Oakfield seniors gather for luncheon

5 years ago

OAKFIELD, Maine — The Oakfield Seniors met Wednesday, Nov. 6, at the Smokie-Haulers Snowmobile Club for their first meeting in November.

After another potluck luncheon was enjoyed by all, President Alberta McDonald called the business meeting to order with the Lord’s Prayer and Flag Salute.

George Barrow was the 50/50 raffle winner. All of the usual reports were read and accepted. After the meeting members enjoyed Critter Racing several members were winners and gifts were awarded.

Attending were: Arlene Friel, Alberta McDonald, Marie Gillotti, Charlotte Marley, George Barrow, Wannetta Townsend, Jeanne Clements, Louise Butcher, Jann Votaw, Iona Nadeau, Anita Russell, Kathleen Boutilier, Earl and Lottie Doughty, Ronald Gagnon, Joel Hamm, Cindy Tarr, Mary Rhodes, Donna Jewell and Mildred Gagnon.

Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, Nov. 20.