115 Years Ago – April 5, 1905
Water plant — A deal closed last week where the Caribou Water, Light and Power Company, owned by parties in Gardiner, was being transferred to the new owners being, E.E. Haynes, G.W. Irving and J.P. Donworth, who will assume control of the entire plant on May 1.
100 Years Ago – April 8, 1920
Civil War — Limestone has now gotten down to two lone survivors of the Civil War. The town appropriated $100 to each man, in appreciation of their service.
75 Years Ago – April 5, 1945
Chainsaw — About 50 people attended the recent chainsaw demonstration, which was directed by the extension service. The use of the Dilson Chainsaw, a new development in cutting wood, at Maple Grove, Fort Fairfield. The chainsaw is a light affair, and is operated by two men. It will undercut and cut down an average size tree in about five minutes.
50 Years Ago – April 8, 1970
Sewer Plant — Washburn residents are being asked to allow the town council to borrow up to $800,000 as the town’s share a sewer plant and collection system.
Firemen honor Phair — Many Limestone citizens attended a party honoring Burns Phair upon his retirement from the Limestone Fire Department after 40 years. He served nine years as Chief. Everyone was invited to the firestation to see their new truck which Phair is especially proud of and instrumental in attaining.
25 Years Ago – April 5, 1995
Donate prizes — Local bankers have donated two bicycles and three helmets as prizes for the Caribou Parks and Recreation Departments Saturday, April 8 bicycle safety rodeo scheduled from 1-3 pm at Caribou High School. Donations came from the County Federal Credit Union, Keybank and People’s Heritage Bank.
Globetrotters visit — A packed house filled the Caribou High School gym, as young, and old alike enjoyed a two-hour hoop show. The Harlem Globetrotters entertained the sell out crowd Sunday with their brand of basketball wizardry.