Debate made choice clear

4 years ago

To the editor:

After watching the Senate candidate debate on Friday night [Sept. 11], two things became clear to us. Senator Collins represents the past while Sara Gideon represents the future.

As we age, we must pass on our responsibilities to the next generation, hopefully, with grace and pride in past accomplishments. It is time for a younger, more energetic senator, one who has a clean slate and isn’t beholden to anyone. Sara is the person who can make that a possibility.

Sara Gideon has a plan to address current and future challenges for the the state of Maine and our country. She has proven herself over and over during her time as Speaker of the Maine House and her time in Augusta. She acknowledges the loss of jobs, that will not return, is concerned about  climate change and its devastating effects on our world, understands the changes necessary for an equitable health care system, and realizes we need a strong voice in the world marketplace. 

Sara has proven she can and will work with both parties, making sure all are represented fairly. We have no doubt that she will work with competence, honesty, intelligence and civility. Maine and its interests will be in safe hands in Washington with Sara as our senator.

Fred and Cindy Edgecomb