100 Years Ago – Dec. 16, 1920
Snow — The heavy snow storm which started Friday evening and raged all day Saturday put a crimp on the excellent skating on the Mill Pond which has been enjoyed during the past week by hundreds of children.
Hand and Harrigton in new quarters — The automobile showroom of Hand and Harrington in the Burnham-Hamilton block was opened to the public last week, after the needed repairs were completed to transfer it into the coziest and handsomest showroom of its kind in this section. The store is centrally located and is bound to attract passers-by who will stop and admire the handsome Studebaker and Dodge cars so attractively displayed.
75 Years Ago – Dec. 13, 1945
Adams elected Grange master — Jewett Adams was elected Master of the Houlton Grange at the annual election held at an all day meeting Saturday.
Rotarians hold auction — The annual Christmas Auction of the Houlton Rotary Club was held Monday noon at the Northland resulting in total sales in excess of $309 which was added to the Club’s Charity Fund.
50 Years Ago – Dec. 16, 1970
Lions Club entertains youngsters — The Houlton Lions Club, with cooperation of the Salvation Army, held their annual Christmas party for children Monday evening at Park View Terrace. The children were treated to a meal of hamburgers, french fries, pop and a dessert. Santa Claus arrived and distributed gifts to the children.
New school to open Jan. 4 — Superintendent Hamilton S. Giberson announced yesterday that the new elementary school being constructed in Houlton will open to students on Monday, Jan. 4, the date that schools resume after the holiday recess. It will be one of the first open-type schools constructed in the state and the first in northern Maine.
25 Years Ago – Dec. 13, 1995
Houlton Hardware set to open — A new hardware store will be built on land on North Street. Owned by Tony DeLucca, the store will be called Houlton Hardware and will be located on a piece of land also owned by DeLucca.
Recent tour — Students of the Military Street Preschool recently toured the Houlton Shop and Save. The school is one of the schools involved in the store’s Adopt-A-School program, providing education and fundraising assistance for local schools.