Signs point to legacy

4 years ago

To the editor:

I’m writing to send gratitude and sincere appreciation to the person that has two large trailers at the corner of Rt. 1 and Main Street in Van Buren, the two trailers with large type screaming “TRUMP 2020.”

There is no better representation of President Donald Trump’s MAGA than a drive along Main Street of Van Buren.  It reveals the incredible job that Trump has done for America over the last four years.  This type of exposure for Trump and Van Buren should accelerate their popularity for doing a superior job with making America great again, a performance the likes the world has never seen before — believe me.

I strongly encourage the owner to keep them there forever and not remove them after Jan. 20.  May the two trailers stand as a tremendous tribute, a monument to the man that left America in such incredible condition in 2020. 

I believe in American exceptionalism.  Provided with the world’s brightest and best scientists and doctors and the world’s greatest healthcare system, Trump has managed to make America number 1 in the world for COVID-19, a truly astonishing achievement — over 350,000 dead Americans and counting.

May God bless President Donald Trump and the two trailers in Van Buren, a testament to American greatness.

John F. Orlando
Limestone, Maine