To the editor:
So Americans were sick of the angry orange man. He just had to go. It didn’t seem to matter all he had accomplished, how strong he had made America, how energy independent he’d made us, how North Korea and the Middle East had reacted positively to his policies, how the southern border was well on its way to becoming secure.
To a large degree Americans were totally unaware of these accomplishments because the mainstream media absolutely hated the president, wouldn’t report the good, and instead ranted day and night about unsupported conspiracy theories involving Russia and the like.
Six months after his departure may I postulate that what Americans were really sick and tired of was the out-of-control, lying, mainstream left-wing media that yelled at us all day and all night about their hatred of this man called Trump and his supporters. Yes, people can sit and relax now in their homes and listen to in-depth reporting on the Biden administration such as what flavor ice cream he got that day. But while they take their ease in Zion, lulled to sleep by unethical, lying journalists, they should know America is in real danger in a number of areas.
Biden, elected on his moderate platform, is anything but and is absolutely betraying the American people. First day, he killed the pipeline and our energy independence. He then completely opened the southern border, during a pandemic, and, not only invited hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens to storm our border, but is using government monies to bus and fly these illegals, many infected with COVID, to various parts of the U.S. without informing said localities, all the while threatening to once again impose mask mandates on American citizens and to lock us down again.
If anyone hasn’t heard about this till now, maybe it’s time they found a source for news to listen to that isn’t afraid to let them know the truth about what’s going on in this nation and world.
Clare Kierstead
Presque Isle