Dinner to benefit Washburn students’ field trip

Beth Boddy, Special to The County
11 years ago


    The Washburn District High School physics class will be holding an Italian Dinner and Silent Auction on Friday, April 4, at the Washburn Elementary School Cafeteria.  The cost will be $3 for children, $6 for adults or $15 for a family.

The fundraiser is to help students attend a physics workshop in Saco that will define physics laws and concepts, while demonstrating through hands-on experiences. The students will be meeting with amusement park designers, engineers and maintenance workers. After each meeting students will experience the laws and forces of physics in action by riding and watching the roller coasters and other rides.
This field trip will cost $150 per student which covers transportation, lodging, meals and the registration fee. If anyone would like to sponsor a student or donate to these students, call Tracy Reed at 455-4501 or treed@msad45.net.

Friendly Co-op

    The Friendly Co-op is open for any new members that would like to join. There is no membership fee. For more information, call 455-8421 or email Brenda McCoy at bunny@atimaine.net.  You can order either by bulk or smaller amounts. The next order week is March 3-8. Delivery will be Friday, March14. Pay on pick-up date.

School registration

    Registration for children who will be entering pre-kindergarten in the fall of 2014 at Washburn Elementary School will be held Monday, March 17. In order to be eligible for pre-kindergarten, a child must be 4 years of age on or before Oct. 15. If you have a child to register, call Debbie at the Washburn Elementary School at 455-4504 to receive pre-registration materials.


    Those celebrating a birthday between March 5-11 include: Michelle Doody, Cathy Conley, Maurice White III, Jim Cray, Kevin Cunningham, Morgan Berube, David Wilson, Tamria Maynard, Aaron Bragg and Ardis Libby.
    Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Perham, Wade and Washburn. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing bethwood@hotmail.com.