PRESQUE ISLE, Maine — Snow may still be on the ground but ideas are in full bloom for the Presque Isle Garden Club, as members plan the upcoming season’s calendar of events.
“The Presque Isle Garden Club is beginning the season by meeting on March 18 at the Presque Isle Congregational Church to learn the basic skills needed to use the flowers and branches of our gardens in arrangements,” said Roberta Griffiths, club president.
Topics include the mechanics, conditioning and treatment of plant material, with the discussion led by Ann Wight. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m.
On April 15, the meeting will take place at 7 p.m. at Sue Barrett’s home on Canterbury Street.
“Andrew Plant, County Extension educator, will speak about vegetable gardening, discussing soil requirements, treatment and avoiding garden pests and companion gardening. He will focus on the prevention of blight, which has decimated so many of our home-grown tomatoes in past years,” she said.
Griffiths will serve as host at her Fort Road home for the May 10 meeting, which will discuss creating Hyper Tuffa containers for gardens and decks. Work will begin at 6:30 p.m.
“On June 17 a work meeting will begin at 5 p.m. at Downing Park, located off State Street, followed by a dinner at Sorpreso’s,” said Griffiths.
The July meeting will be announced at a later date. This gathering will include a tour of a local garden.
The August meeting will involve a field trip over the border.
“On Aug. 16 at 7 a.m., members will meet at my home to travel to Note Dame Du Lac in New Brunswick to tour two small gardens which are perfect jewels of the gardening world. If time permits, the trip will include a stop at the botanical gardens in St. Jacques, N.B.,” she said.
September’s meeting will also involve a group outing.
“A field trip to the Enchanted Forest at the Nordic Heritage Center in Presque Isle will take place on Sept. 13 and will include a picnic lunch. Members will meet in the facility’s parking lot at 10 a.m. A rain date will be announced later,” said Griffiths.
The club’s annual meeting will be held at Ann Wight’s house on Dyer Street on Oct. 20.
“We’ll meet at 6:30 p.m. The evening will include a potluck supper and a mystery flower-designing program. Members are asked to bring an unusual item to be incorporated in an arrangement,” she said.
“We will be able to apply the skills that we learned in our March meeting with Wight’s help. She’s a National Flower Show-accredited judge,” said Griffiths.
November’s meeting will focus on the holiday season.
“The Presque Isle Garden Club will end its season with a visit to the Francis Malcolm Science Center on Nov. 17 at 6:30 p.m., where we will meet to make Christmas wreaths. Vaughn Martin, educator at the Easton science center, will assist members in the construction of their wreaths,” Griffiths said.
The club is looking forward to another growing season, including maintaining plots throughout the city.
“The Garden Club will continue to plant and maintain its garden on the corner of Main Street and oversee the maintenance of Downing Park. We will continue to supply wreaths to the Presque Isle Recreation Center and the Mark & Emily Turner Memorial Library,” said Griffiths.
Griffiths said the club welcomes all who are interested in learning more about gardening.
“We welcome new members and visitors who are interested in our programs,” said Griffiths.
For more information, call Griffiths at 768-5608.