Scott Mitchell Johnson talked to kindergartners at Mapleton Elementary School
“What is something you’d like cars in the future to be able to do?”
Morgan Mints
Age: 6
First grade
Jacob Cowett
Age: 6
First grade
“I would like cars to fly.
That way, if you need to get somewhere in a hurry, you can just fly there.
You’d have to get a special license that has a stamp of a jet pack on it; that means you’re allowed to fly.”
Violet Gregg
Age: 7
Second grade
“I would like all cars to have a camera in the middle of the steering wheel that shows you what’s behind you so you’d know and not hit anything.
If there was something behind you, you’d see it on the camera, and the car would make a sound to let you know.”
Mason Oakes
Age: 7
Second grade
“There would be a camera in the front and the back of the car, plus a computer, that would tell you things like when to stop, when to turn and things like that, so even if you were blind, you’d still be able to drive.”
Sarah Sonntag
Age: 9
Third grade
“I think it would be good if all cars could park themselves.
Parallel parking — I hear — is very hard, so if a car could do it itself that would be neat.
My cousin, Ellen, and my Mom don’t like to parallel park, so having a car that could do it for them would be a big help.”
Marshall Dick
Age: 8
Third grade
“I would like to see cars that would not cause pollution.
Right now, they’re powered by
gasoline, but I’m thinking all cars would run on a battery.
That would make less pollution and make the air better to breathe.”