The Kiwanis Club of Presque Isle teamed up recently with Pine Street Elementary School and Principal William “Bill” Guerrette and his staff to present “A Student’s Dictionary” to all the second graders.
Kiwanians (from left, back row) Penny McHatten, Sue Watson, George Watson, Deirdre McMahon and Tim McMahon, with Guerrette, visited classrooms to give out the dictionaries. Students included, from left, middle row: Jaxon Parmelee, Isaac Griffin, Amiyah Cooley, Colton Johnston, Camrynn Smith, Tanner Collins, Libby Ireland, Pauline Stevens and Lucy Golden. Front row: Ivie Hanning, Alyk-kie Labobe, Evan Lauritsen, Tanner Chandler, Ella Sparks and Lydia Brown.