Good Samaritans restore our faith

11 years ago

To the editor:
We hear lots of negative stories about people, but I have a good one I would like to share.
On Tuesday, April 29, I went to Presque Isle with a long list of “to do” things. Finally, I went to Marden’s, got some things I needed, paid and went to my car with the cart. I put the packages in the back seat and wheeled the cart over near a lamppost. Coming down Main Street to go to IGA, I thought to myself, “I’m tired and hungry. I’ll go to Teresa’s to have a hot dog and cup of tea.”
I got out of the car and reached for my handbag. It wasn’t there. Panic hit right away. I started back to Marden’s. Every light was red but one. I got to the parking lot, drove to where I had just left. The cart was there but no handbag. I rushed toward the entrance; near me was a lady going in carrying two black handbags. I stepped very close to her and said, “Excuse me, but did you just find that handbag in a cart by the lamppost? I think it is mine; I just left there.”
Without asking who I was or to identify myself, she just passed it to me and said she was taking it to the office. How can I thank the good people we have and Powers That Be for taking care of me? Such a careless thing for me, and when I think of it two days later, my heart does a few extra jumps. Isn’t it nice there are still honest people and a powerful source looking after people like me?

M. Adams