Presque Isle area From our Files – Week of July 5, 2023

1 year ago

100 Years Ago – July 5, 1923

Perfect attendance at Presque Isle High School — The following pupils of the Presque Isle High School won attendance records of high rank: Perfect attendance for three years, Marjorie Glidden; perfect attendance for two years, Jean Mceachron, Pearl Munson, Crystal Taylor and Hannah Tweedie; for one year, Mildred Downing, Hazel David, Jennie Dunn, Miles English, Robert McKay, Helen Scott, Parnell Thompson and Gladys Kierstead.

75 Years Ago – July 1, 1948

McIntire was named to the tax group — Agriculture commissioner A. K. Gardner announced the appointment of Clifford S. McIntire of Perham as a member of The Maine Potato Tax Committee. McIntire, whose appointment was for one year, succeeded Fred S. Doyle of Caribou. Being assistant general manager and head of the Membership and Public Relations Department of Maine Potato Growers, Inc., McInitire was associated with the Federal Land Bank of Springfield, Mass., from 1933 to late 1947, when he became an officer of the Presque Isle cooperative, which was one of the largest in the country.

Awards presented to rotarians as club year ended — One member of the Presque Isle Rotary club who had a perfect attendance record since the organization of the club 25 years prior was duly recognized, and the club itself received the International President’s award for outstanding service at the meeting which marked the close of the club year. The certificate, given by Kendrick Guernsey, president of Rotary International, is awarded annually to the club in each district which has made the most significant achievements in upholding the Rotary ideal of service. A 25-year perfect attendance button was presented to Arthur R. Fairbanks, the only member who had a 100 percent record since the local club was organized a quarter century prior.  

50 Years Ago – July 3, 1973

Best salesman — A Star-Herald subscription drive during the month of June ended Thursday morning, June 28, with a breakfast held at McDonalds, Presque Isle. For every new customer the newspaper boys and girls recruited, they received a coupon for a hamburger and an order of french fries at McDonalds. Top salesman was Ricky St. Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd St. Peter of Presque Isle. For his 14 new subscribers, Ricky received a string of McDonalds coupons, and for being top salesman, he received a $25 savings bond. Besides other tickets won by more than 30 Star-Herald carriers, two second prize tennis rackets were won by Ruth Ayotte of Mapleton and Dana Carter of Easton. 

Grass elected president — Nathan Grass was installed as the president of Presque Isle Rotary Club No. 11460, District No. 781, during the June 23 noon luncheon at the Northeastland Hotel. Harold Mailman was selected vice president, Dana Swett secretary, Peter Powers treasurer and Ray Davis sergeant-at-arms. The incoming board of directors included Nathan Grass, John Walker and Dana Connors. President Grass presented the past president’s pin to Dana Connors and thanked Connors for the work he had done for the club.

Elks scholarships given — Presque Isle Elks Scholarship Awards recipients were announced. Miss Donna Kierstead and Ernest Grendell were the recipients of the Elks’ Youth Leadership Award and Miss Maria Farrell received the Elks’ Most Valuable Student Award. Donald H. Ireland, past state president, Maine Elks, presented the awards and congratulated the students.

25 Years Ago – July 8, 1998

President’s award — Harry’s Honda Mitsubishi of Presque Isle was the recipient of the Honda Partners in Excellence 1997 President’s Award, which recognized excellence in the critical dealership operating areas that include customer satisfaction and sales. The owner of Harry’s Honda, John Alexander, and his staff, Jay Amero, Lee Roy, Gerald Saccucci, Gil Caron, Donald DeMerchant, Stephanie Merrill, Davina Conroy and Ron Straight were all recognized.

Ripley joined the women’s center — The Aroostook Medical Center announced the addition of a new women’s health educator at the Women’s Health Center. Deborah J. Ripley, M.S., earned a master of science degree in human service administration from Springfield College and owned a small consulting business in Providence, R.I., before relocating to Presque Isle. For over three years, Ripley had presented psycho-educational workshops in the area of women’s health. While in Rhode Island, Ripley was active as a volunteer on the planning committee for the YMCA of Greater Providence Women’s Wellness Weekend.

Estate planning talk presented — Presque Isle attorney Martha Grant gave a presentation to the Presque Isle Business and Professional Women on the topic of estate planning and elder law. Grant emphasized the changes concerning trusts, long-term health care and other estate planning provisions.