100 Years Ago – August 16, 1923
Holmes assumed his managerial duties — R. A. Holmes of Presque Isle was in town and assumed his duties as manager of the Fort Fairfield-Limestone district of the Maine Potato Growers’ exchange. Mr. Holmes had experience in buying potatoes in Providence, R. I., and in Presque Isle, and for some time had been a member of the Easton potato firm Holmes & Tufts. He was well recommended for his character and capacity.
75 Years Ago – August 12, 1948
Kilpatrick was named to the alumni post at the University of Maine — Mrs. Donald M. Kilpatrick, Jr., of Presque Isle, was appointed assistant alumni secretary of the University of Maine at Orono, according to an announcement by the Alumni Council. The former Bette Barker, Mrs. Kilpatrick graduated from the university in 1942, and the following December, was married to Lt. Kilpatrick who was killed in action over Germany in July, 1944. Mrs. Kilpatrick and daughter, Nancy, who for the previous few months had made their home here with Mr. and Mrs. Donald M. Kilpatrick, Sr., left for Orono.
Baby beef highest in history of Northern Maine Fair — Beef buyers from all over Maine paid an average of 55.3 cents a pound for 34,489 pounds of baby beef raised by Aroostook 4-H club members in the greatest auction ever sponsored by the Northern Maine Fair in its 95 years of agricultural exhibition. Top price at the auction was paid to Barbara Berce, 13, of Houlton, whose 970 pound Hereford steer, Laddie, was judged best of the show at the judging of cattle. J. Fred Smith, traffic manager of Bangor and Aroostook Railroad, bid 95 cents a pound for the animal, thereby netting the popular little club member the neat sum of $921.50 for her steer.
50 Years Ago – August 15, 1973
All-Star Team — Washburn’s 9-12 All-Star Team was the runner up in Presque Isle 9-12 Invitational Tournament Tournament. Members of the team included Scott Turner, Tom Albert, J.R. Doody, Mark Turner, Frank Stewart, Dan Winston, Dan Dow, Brian Hews, Scott Arcuelo, Don Winston, Tracy Humphrey, Wayne Harris, Scott McIntosh, Mark Tarr, Leslie Plissey and coach Snooky Campbell. The winners were the Presque Isle 9-12 All-Star Team. The members of the PI team were Inky Gagnon, Peter Lovely, Mark Madore, Chuck Beaulieu, Kevin Frazier, Ron Miller, Phil Grant, John Johnston, Steve Langley, Tim Olore, Mike McHugh, Peter Norsworthy, Shawn Breannan, Rick St. Peter, Lenford Lesesne, Mike Allen and coach Larry Hallowell.
Mapleton youth won trophy — Nathan Gardiner of Mapleton was the winner of the Championship Western Challenge Trophy in the horse division with his mount, Chief, during 4-H competition among Aroostook County members Friday, August 10, at the Northern Maine Fair annual 4-H horse show. Reserve western horse went to David Knowles of Hodgon with Dandy Boy. The western pony championship was taken by Darci Bishop and Topper of Fort Fairfield and the reserve by Susan Wortman and Kala Ka Zam, also of Fort Fairfield. Gardiner, Miss Bishop and Miss Wortman were members of the Aroostook Valley 4-H Riding Club; Knowles was a member of the Houlton Trail Rickers.
25 Years Ago – August 19, 1998
Donation — Patrick St. Peter, president of The County Federal Credit Union, presented the first of three $1,000 checks, a total donation of $3,000, to Dana Swett, representative of the Northern Maine Fair. This donation was for the Forestry Resource Council building.
State received $400,000 in fuel conservation funds — The United States Department of Energy awarded three grants totaling more than $400,000 to the state of Maine for fuel conservation efforts. The funds, being made available to the Maine Department of Economic and Community Development, was a support for a variety of innovative, energy-efficiency projects. Specifically, a grant of $285,400 was approved for the State Energy Program used to support the Small Business Energy Conservation Program, which provided audits and assessments of small businesses to identify ways of conserving energy and saving money. A second grant of $100,000 was awarded to the State Energy Program to develop and promote a state energy model code. The third grant of $20,000 to enable the State Energy Program to support the Clean Cities effort in Portland.
County champs — Members of the Washburn Summer Program, the Senior Girls’ team took first honors and were named County Champions during the summer Recreation program. The members of the team were Melissa Jordan, Jill Maynard, Missy Conley, Jana Woollard, Kerry Flannagin, Simone Willett, Elizabeth Howard, Michelle Jordan, Angela Flannagin, Kori Vaughn, Amy Kacherian, Christina Constant and Lisa Pucker, and their coach was Leland Caron.