Society shares blame when murders take place
To the editor:
I must publicly confess my partial guilt in the recent murder of that Saco family and the alcoholism that partly drove the young father to commit such a ghastly act. There is a new axiom that proclaims, “It takes a village to raise a child.” You see, I am a member of the world village that raised the young murderer in his extraordinarily unique circumstances. Nobody is raised in a test tube.
So no murderer acts alone. Therefore, are we not all raised under the influence of each other? It has been scientifically stated that the flap of a butterfly’s wing in South America affects the atmosphere in North America — if infinitesimally minute.
This letter itself is borne and raised by the law of cause and effect — infinitely interconnected and interrelating. The author is not separate from Aroostook County, Maine, America or the world. So, in our government’s recent horrendous, chemically-botched execution of two murderers, we all became murderers — to some extent — and we will all suffer the highly contagious consequences of such societal ignorance. There is an ancient mythical adage that “In Adam’s fall, we sinned all.”
One of the consequences of capital punishment is that murderers go into science’s unified field of the afterlife with awareness that the society that raised them so badly also murdered them in the name of Christianity — hypocritically. For Jesus said he came to do away with the law of vengeance (“an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth”), and replace it with understanding and compassion. Remember his intercession in the near stoning of the prostitute, Mary Magdalene? Thus, the doubly punished (by vengeful man and by corrective spiritual law) and tormented dead in the infinitely unified field still influences our agitated weather consequently.
So isn’t it time we create and uphold laws that reflect the teachings and love of Jesus so that the prophecy of “a new heaven and a new earth” of peace and prosperity may be realized?
Val Vadis