Tri-community town meetings held

Terry Sandusky, Special to The County
7 months ago

On March 19, 20 and 25, the annual town meetings of Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman were held.  Voter and resident turnout was low for all three meetings.  

The warrants that contained all of the annual voter authorizations for each town’s municipal operations and finances were considered fairly routine and without any remarkable projects, concerns or changes.  

In Mapleton, residents elected Barry Buck and Joseph Powers to the select board and Keith Doyon as assessor. A sewer district tTrustee will be announced later.

Elizabeth (center) and Jeff Clark were honored by the Joint Select Board of the Towns of Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman just prior to the start of the Chapman Town Meeting on March 25th. Town Manager Sandra Fournier (left) presented them the Spirit of Community Service Recognition for their leadership with the Mapleton Lions Club to upgrade the holiday lights along Mapleton’s Main Street.
(Courtesy of Terry Sandusky)

Castle Hill residents elected Shari Cheney and Scott Cheney to the select board and Shari Cheney as assessor. 

In Chapman, Milford Maynard was elected as assessor/select board member and Terrence Hanlon was elected to the select board. 

Residents of all three towns voted to adopt the interlocal agreement for shared services that outlines the oversight board, the services to be shared and the financial participation of each town in the implementation of the agreement.

This year the town report was dedicated to Blake R. Buck, who passed away in 2023.  He was born and reared in Mapleton, where he married his wife, Rose, and grew a community-minded family.  Blake Construction Inc. was the company he built and it is well known across Aroostook County and the State of Maine for the highest building standards that Blake adhered to and expected of his workers.  

His hard work and determination passed on to his family members and his many dedicated workers.  As the town report states, “…He was kind, generous and determined.”  He was a hero to his family and his community neighbors.

Mapleton experienced another loss in the passing of Darrell L. Chandler, and the select board chose to honor his memory in the town report.  Chandler grew up in Mapleton on the family farm and graduated from Mapleton High School.  He served in the Army.  

After his two-year hitch in the Army, his heart called him back home to work the farm with his father until he retired.  He was deeply involved in the potato industry not only as a farmer but as a leader in the 

Agricultural Bargaining Council, Maine Potato Growers Board of Directors, the Maine Potato Commission and the Aroostook federation of Farmers.  He and the family were chosen the 2019 Farm Family of the Year by the Maine Potato Board.  

He traveled around the world visiting many countries to learn and share ideas and ways of growing better potatoes.  Marilyn, his wife of nearly 63 years, and their two sons, David and Darren, his four grandsons, Zachery, Joshua, Hunter and Parker along with many other family members, friends and neighbors will greatly miss Darrell.

At the Chapman town meeting, Jeff and Elizabeth Clark were presented with the “Spirit of Community Service” recognition honoring them for spearheading the holiday lights project that beautified Mapleton Main Street, Route 163 that lit the street over the holidays in 2023-24.  

The Clarks also designed and produced the tri-town logo to represent the interlocal agreement between the towns of Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman.  

The Joint Select Board of Mapleton, Castle Hill and Chapman Resolution states, “Jeff and Elizabeth Clark are exemplary members of the community.  Being a great example of what it means to be a civil servant.  Both Jeff and Elizabeth are more than willing to do what they can to help out the communities.  Going above working in the towns, they are also great neighbors and friends to all residents.”  

The Board is pleased to see what the Mapleton Lions Club and the Clarks were able to accomplish in the beautification of the town.

Terry Sandusky is the Star-Herald correspondent for Mapleton, Chapman and Castle Hill and can be reached at 764-4916 or at