To the editor:
What do you see when you look into a mirror? Are you looking at a true image of yourself? Does that image match up with the inner person, the true person, the one looking back at you?
The Greeks have a name for their actors because the actors are playing a part trying to be something they are not. They call them hypocrites which comes from the word hypocrisy.
It does say in the Bible in Galatians 5:22, that they will know them by their fruit, (single as one not many as in fruits). That is the same way with the reflections in the mirror. There is only one looking back at you. Is it a true one?
Or do people get fruit like sour grapes when they rub you the wrong way? Or do you look like you have been sucking on a lemon when things are going wrong?
Let’s start at home with family and loved ones where we can let down our hair and be ourselves. What does the spouse and kids see and know of you? Are you like a bull in a china shop? Does the image line up?
There is an old saying: You can’t judge a book by its cover. The same way with people, you get the big smile and smooth talk but when you really get to know them and their hidden self, it will curl your hair or give you a bad taste in your mouth.
Now as we get into the upcoming election, as we hear and read about the image of what a candidate wants us to think they are. Is this a true image? Is that person putting forth the truth? Let’s look beyond the image and get down to where the rubber hits the road. Let’s find out what is really true or what the real person is. Let’s not be moved by the so called “image.”
Sometimes I think these candidates should be professional dancers the way they waltz around questions when they are asked. And the mud slinging, it’s always what the other one has done wrong and not what they have done or what they stand for.
Do you remember the fun mirror at the fair how they always gave a false image or a distorted picture? So let’s not take things or people as they look or sound, but let’s look deep into who they are and what they stand for. Let’s look beyond the image.
David L. Cyr
Presque Isle