Thoughts on food waste

4 months ago

To the editor:

My apologies for the late reply to the May 15 article “Local farming wastes the most food in Maine.” This story wants us to believe that farming causes global warming, just behind the internal combustion engine and cow farts.

One claim is that 362,000 tons of food is waste every year. My surprise is that they would choose a number to scare us.

From the mom-and-pop roadside stand to the agricultural industrial complex, from forestry to aquaculture, pasture, hayfields, blueberry barrens, Christmas trees, etc., American farming is a beacon of efficiency and productivity, and Maine farmers are the light atop said beacon.

Should you have a complaint about farming and farmers, please don’t talk with your mouth full, and to paraphrase Winston Churchill, “Never have so many been fed by so few.”

Sid Duncan
Presque Isle