Caribou area From our Files – Week of August 14, 2024

2 months ago

120 Years Ago – Aug. 18, 1904

New store coming along nicely — The framework is up for H. A. Edwards & Co.’s new store on Main street. The roof is also shingled and the building is rapidly being pushed forward to completion.

Received word of gold being found — Word has been received from Messrs. Reynolds and Sutherland who are in Alaska in the interests of the Caribou Mining Company that gold has been found. More full particulars are expected later.

115 Years Ago – Aug. 19, 1909

Buying out his partners — H.D. Stevens has bought out his partners in the Fort Fairfield Light & Power Company, H. T. Powers and D. E. Edwards, and is now practically the sole owner of the company. He has, however, associated himself, his brother A. Elery Stevens and another, to make the required corporation number. Stevens has, from the start, been the competent superintendent of the company.

Things are happening in the area — Geo. H. Moores and C. A. Flint has formed a partnership in the electric light business and it will not be long before the bulbs that have hung so long suspended as fly-catchers will be cleaned and polished, and the subtle current will permeate the platinum wires and the illuminating glow will dispel the darkening shades of night. The old dam on the Ketchum property on the Machias river is being rebuilt, a new flume constructed, and the water power will be used to generate electricity. The power is ample so that lights or power for motors can be furnished in any quantity and we are assured that rates will be made quite reasonable.

100 Years Ago – Aug. 14, 1924

A difference of opinion — Those who are camping at Portage Lake are inclined to look upon that beautiful sheet of water as the finest lake in Maine, and we would make no pretense at disputing that idea. The aesthetic tastes of some of the campers were somewhat shocked recently when a lady visitor at one of the camps referred to the placid waters, nestling amidst the tree-covered hills and glistening with its shimmering sheen neath the rays of the slanting sun, as a ‘creek.’ And their mild indignation did not subside when, later on, as gentle breezes from the far-away unknown fanned the still waters into white-foamed billows, the lady designated the recesses between the waves as ‘ruts.’

Winner of a car — At the second drawing on the free Buick automobile at Bean’s Garage on Wednesday night of last week the correct number was held by John Johnson, operator at the B. & A. Station and he was given the car.

75 Years Ago – Aug. 18, 1949

Large crowd sees the Carriage Show at the park — More than 300 Caribou citizens, parents and youths attended the 2nd annual Recreation Doll Carriage and Bicycle parade Tuesday which started at the town square and closed with the judging at Teague Park. There were 20 doll carriage entrants and 28 vied for awards in the tricycle and bicycle division contests, which had been postponed from last Friday because of rain. Miss Roberta Beveridge, age 4, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Burton Beveridge, Pratt rd., won first honors in the doll carriage competition. Bill Helfenstein, 6, son of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Helfenstein, Park street, was awarded first prize for tricycles, while Johnny Jacobs, 7, son of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Jacobs, Park street took honors in decorated bicycles. Other prizes for doll carriages went to Linda Lee Clark, 5, and Sharon Burgess, 5, respectively. Second award for tricycles was taken by Philista Ann Howlett and third to Jackie Dixon. Judy Jacobs, a sister of Johnny, won second for bicycles and third was taken by Cecil Burgess.

Voters agree on a new town dump site — At a public meeting held at the assembly Tuesday evening, voters unanimously approved the town council’s proposal to purchase land from Corliss Carlson for a new town dump. Among other measures voted upon and approved by voters was purchase of the land with funds drawn from the surplus and not to exceed $1400, which will also include the cost of building a road into the dump. Town Manager W. B. Burns explained that the new dump may be reached by going along the New Sweden road and then taking the first right. This is an approximate distance of four miles from Caribou.

25 Years Ago – Aug. 18, 1999

Couple celebrated 50 years — Lewis and Charlene Fenlason of Caribou celebrated their 50th Wedding Anniversary with an open house at the home of their son and daughter-in-law, Wally and Lorena Fenlason. The couple were married in Perth, New Brunswick, at the Baptist Parsonage on July 13, 1949. The couple received numerous gifts and cards and thoroughly enjoyed the presence of family and friends on this momentous occasion. Charlene retired from Sitel Services at Loring Air Force Base. Lewis retired from many years of farming in the Caribou, Limestone area.Loring receives development awards — By geography, Aroostook County is at the end of the line in the U.S., but the Loring Development Authority hasn’t let location stand in the way of competing nationwide. The development agency was given two awards of excellence (second place) and one honorable mention last week at the National Association of Installation Developers 1999 Annual Conference. Both Brian Hamel, LDA president and Mary Walton, assistant to the president, attended the Jacksonville, Fla. event.