Let us be more human

3 months ago

To the editor:

I am as old as Biden, a college graduate (MCL), Roman Catholic like Biden, married for 61 years to the same woman and have four adult children, six grandchildren and two great-grandsons to date.  I thank God for the new day every time I awake in the morning and try to go about my daily routine in a manner which is expected of an 81-year-old man.  

Granted, I am a conservative Roman Catholic.  Our current president is a liberal Roman Catholic.   I follow the teachings of my religion that abortion is a sin of mortal level. Mr. Biden not only tolerates abortion, he supports it to the max.  His side says the government cannot tell a woman what to do with her own body. Yes, they not only can, they do. She cannot legally sell it, can she?  It is called prostitution and against the law.  She cannot destroy it, can she?  It is suicide and also illegal.  

Notwithstanding, having an abortion is not aborting the female’s body, it is [aborting] another human being’s life and existence. Where do you see or read where it is your option to kill what life relies on your care? Does the abortion take the life of the mother?  No. It takes the life of the baby. Abortion done?  Mother still here, baby dead. 

Let us stop this slaughter of little humans. Let us be more human and protect those little ones who are meant to follow us.

If indeed the case is that of rape, incest or life-threatening to the mother, why can the procedure not be limited to removal within six weeks of pregnancy diagnosis or less?  We are all human beings co-existing on one small planet. Can we not agree that those created through our natural God-given instincts should be allowed to live?

Lou Ouellette