Send me a check

2 months ago

To the editor:

I receive daily email survey requests (as many of you must) and ignore most as they are usually the advanced guard for some monetary donation request.  Sometimes, however, regular folks, elderly folks like my spouse of over 61 years and me, have to ask elementary questions.  

This latest survey asks, “Do you believe illegal immigrants should be allowed to vote?” Another asks, “Do you believe illegal immigrants should be paid $1,500 per month to live in New York City?” Yet another asks, “Do you believe illegal immigrants should be allowed government welfare funds?” And the last: “Do you believe your tax dollars should be spent to pay off the college education loans of others?”

Surely, basic logic — ergo, “illegal immigrants” — is a challenge to some folks’ understanding. Illegal means against the law. If it’s against the law, it is or should be punishable by severe penalty, not by saying, “Ah, what the heck, we will pay you to violate our laws, support you financially when you get here and, what the heck, pay you Social Security, put you up in some nice hotel, paid for by taxes collected from Joe and Bob, the factory workers who have families of five or six.”

Lastly: If you were savvy enough to garnish yourself a loan to go to college, then you should be savvy enough to pay off your own debt. Yes, I did graduate from college. After four years of military service in the Vietnam era, I married, and with three children spent eight years of night school and achieved a BS in two majors, magna cum laude.

Somebody please send me a check? Recent political idiocy suggests that logic is indeed passe and stupidity reigns.

Lou Ouellette