What do you want in a president?

2 months ago

To the editor:

After reading letters to four or five publications, both liberal and conservative, I found an obvious trend/thread covertly presented by every single liberal letter in support of the Democratic Party. When asked why individuals support the Biden-Harris administration, responders opined, “He is kind,” “He listens to our concerns,” He and she always smile,”  “He is friendly as is Kamala,” and “He is a gentle man and Kamela is gentle as well.”

I must ask the obvious: Are these people voting for a president of this once great nation, or looking for a husband or wife, maybe in search of a mistress or a lover, who is friendly, gentle, kind, listens to them, loves kittens, puppies and refuses to kill mosquitos and flies?  

You are supposed to be voting for a respectable person, trustful and honest, a person not only trusted by other nations, but feared by them as well.  A person who would not have opened the floodgates of our borders to 11 million illegals. A person who was not at the very bottom of the class in every school attended, never a “gentleman’s escort,” paramour to Willie Brown and a total miserable failure not only as “border czar” but weak and totally impotent as vice president of these United States.  

A great majority of them cite “Trump is arrogant.” Trump is and was a carouser (true, so were Ike, JFK, Johnson, Clinton, et al). Trump forged ahead to carry to fruition every single one of his campaign promises including the wall, drilling and fracking tax cuts, worldwide respect even from Moscow, Peking and North Korea.  

Trump is not my buddy, not a relative, not even a friend.  But when I think about it, I’m not looking for a wife or a girlfriend or a constant “cackler.”  I am voting for a person who can and has proven he can do the job.  See you at the polls, fellow New Englanders.

Lou Ouellette
Madawaska, Maine