Wood/pellet stoves require careful maintenance

10 years ago

To the editor:
When vacuuming out a pellet stove, it is important that you use the proper vacuum as the ash is very fine and might still be hot. A typical household vacuum will suck the ash out of the stove, only to deposit it back into the room. The primary and secondary filters on an ash vac keep the ashes out of your house.
Vacuums created specifically for ashes are flame retardant, so while it is not ideal to vacuum up live ashes, it is safer than a house vacuum or a shop vac. Also, the container that houses the ash is metal — thus a live ember will not ruin it and put you in danger; creating unnecessary smoke, melting, or fire.
Ash vacuums have two filters which block the fine ash from getting into the motor which house vacuums do not have. When this fine ash collects on the motor of your house vacuum it causes the motor to stop working and your vacuum is ruined. The best ash vacs have built in filter cleaners, which agitate the ash off the primary filter; creating less work for you.
While there are many types of ash vacs out there, look for these key features and enjoy the cleanliness of your house.

Wil Labbe
The County Stove Shop