To the editor:
When fall comes some of us turn our thoughts to soccer. When winter comes we turn our thoughts to basketball. We cheer for all those on both teams. We must thank the Lord that we have the children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren to watch playing in a warm and safe environment.
Yes, we get cool at soccer games but we can wrap up in blankets. If it gets too hot at a basketball game we can shed our coats and we can still cheer our teams on. Sometimes the red have the ball, sometimes the blue, sometimes the green or orange and the ball goes back and forth under a set of rules. Our players don’t stop the game or filibuster because they don’t get their way. The players don’t shut down the schools because they lost the game. They just practice, practice, practice until they hope they have it right for the game coming up.
Now why do some of our politicians seem to get the ball and let the opposition know if you play the game our way we will let you occasionally get to play our game sometimes, but you better let us win or we will stop the game and go back home for an extended period of time and still get paid or points toward the next election while we are not even in the game. It must be sad for some politicians when they don’t know which court the ball is in or if there is even a ball.
We must be very encouraged to have the athletic directors, coaches, teachers, principals, superintendents, parents and families behind our schools trying to direct our young adults which way the ball must bounce for their greater future. Students please play your best game and don’t stall the ball. Politicians let the young adults be your best mentors. You will want them on your side in the future.
Loomis Craig
Presque Isle