WDHS woodworking club helping at Salmon Brook Museum

10 years ago


by Beth Boddy

    The Washburn District High School woodworking students have recently been doing some work at the Salmon Brook Museum.

    The Museum recently switched from kerosene heat to propane; the club is removing the old kerosene tank. The students will also be helping the museum to become more energy efficient this winter by covering the single-pane windows at the museum with blue board.
The Woodworking Club was started by the high school’s industrial arts teacher, Don Hanson, three years ago, with an average of eight to 12 students. This year the club has grown to 21 students.
The club takes a fun and educational trip each year — the past two years they have gone to Boston. This year the club is hoping to raise enough money to venture to Washington, D.C. The club raises money by making and selling various crafts such as coal boxes, picnic tables, storage buildings, work benches, and they have even made a canoe.
They  made the new signs for the high school gymnasium, they installed the new floors and windows at the Rotary Club’s meeting room at the Recreation Center, and assisted with the new playground put in by the Mill Pond.
They can help with most of your home carpentry projects. If you would like more information on ordering a craft project or having the club assist with your home projects, you can contact Don Hanson at the high school by calling 455-4501 or email Don at dhanson@msad45.net.

Lidstone Memorial plans service

    The Lidstone Memorial United Methodist Church in Washburn will be hosting their Christmas Eve services at 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Dec. 24.

Main Street wreaths

    Residents of Washburn were recently delighted by wreaths placed on Main Street in Washburn, by a secret Santa who has so far remained anonymous. A big thank you to whoever it is that spread a little holiday spirit on Main Street!


    Those celebrating a birthday between Dec. 17-23 include: Roberta Belforti, Mike Brooker,  Jill Maynard, Leon Tarbox, June Churchill, Robert Mette, Betty Connor, Laurie Blackstone, Gerald Carney and Ryan Scott.
Those celebrating an anniversary between Dec. 17-23 include: Art and Charlotte Griffin, and Rodney and Helena Corey.
Beth Boddy is the correspondent for Washburn, Wade and Perham. She can be reached by calling 455-8427 or by e-mailing bethwood@hotmail.com.