PI Rotary in action
Contributed photos
PHONE OPERATORS — Taking a half-hour shift at the telephone table are Presque Isle Rotarians, from left, Ginny Joles, Janet Marr and Larry LaPlante. This year’s auction raised over $30,000 in general proceeds and more than $375,000 for the Community Center special project.
SISTER ACT — Taking their turn as television auctioneers are siblings, Sue Bernard and Jane Towle, who couldn’t help hamming it up a bit for the audience during the recent Rotary Auction. Supervising the pegging and sorting table in the background are Rotarians Matt Irwin and Darrell White.
FAMILY TIME — Working as a father-daughter team during the recent Presque Isle Rotary Auction are Jason and Kallee Parent.
AUCTION FUN — Presque Isle Rotary member Sue Brown kept records for the annual auction for several years including the total amount bid during each half-hour segment as well as percentage of retail value achieved. One of her favorite things about the auction special project is “making the goal!”