Man’s mark on the Bible
To the editor:
I always read the Perham Baptist Church’s ads, because I was brought up on the Bible and still believe in its great mythical and psychological value, despite its many differing versions and seeming contradictions, one of which appears in your Jan. 28 edition.
St. Paul is quoted as saying to the church of Philippi, “… let each esteem others as better than himself.” This is contrary to the popular understanding that “all men are created equal” in the Constitution and in God’s eyes.
It is also contrary to Jesus’ statements that whatsoever we do unto others we do also unto Him, for He is the innermost, unchanging Reality of all, and therefore the great Equalizer. He didn’t say “Love thy neighbor better than thyself,” or “Do unto others better than you would have them do unto you.” Emperor Constantine must have ordered his scripture translators to change “equal with” to “better than,” for if I esteem others as better than myself, instead of equal with myself, I fear they will sense my false flattery and see it as my invitation to dominate me in their new, appointed sense of superiority.
Val Vadis