Eternal Parade

10 years ago

Newspapers In Education

Eternal Parade

By Joy Wang
Seventh-grader at Presque Isle Middle School

It was a winter blizzard,
But she was dressed
for a summer’s day.

She trudged
through the snowy terrain,
Wearing shoes
made to skip and play.
The harsh wind
pierced through her thin coat,
What once was a fashion
now worn away.

Her skirt was frozen solid
from the bitter cold,
Shins exposed
to the storm of ice.
Her face was not shielded
from the brutal snow,
Like tiny bullets
shot from the sky.

The howling wind slapped
and pinched her bare skin.
Neither girl nor clothes
bore a spot that was dry.
She imagined
the last time she ate
As the hunger clawed
and tore her inside.

The guards prowled around, immediately upon
those who were halted
or began to wander astray.
With only one route
in this ceaseless march
She was doomed to walk
in an eternal parade.