Ill-conceived legislation

10 years ago

Ill-conceived legislation

To the editor:
Fellow citizens of Maine, your Constitutional rights under the Constitution of the State of Maine are under attack at the State Legislature right now! LD 754 and LD 1084 before the Committee on Veterans and Legal Affairs, and their similar bills, LD 703 and LD 753 before the Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Committee propose to remove the rights of the citizens of this state where wildlife issues are concerned.

Make no mistake … these bills are not about Maine’s wildlife – they are about removing the rights of Maine citizens under the Constitution! Every Maine citizen should be outraged and alarmed at this ill-conceived and malicious attempt to remove our rights in this state. We did not send our Legislators to Augusta to remove our Constitutional rights!
Article 1, Section 2 of the Maine State Constitution makes it clear that “all power is inherent in the people …” In fact, the Constitution of the State of Maine is clear throughout the document that the people of Maine have certain rights, and those rights are to be retained by the people.
Contact your legislator today and let them know that you do not support removing any rights of any of Maine’s citizens under the Constitution of this state. As citizens, we can’t afford to let this one slip past us! Who knows what other Constitutional rights we might lose in the future if we take no action to stop this.

Dr. Dena L. Winslow
Presque Isle