Ashland upgrade funded

9 years ago

Ashland upgrade funded

Ashland is among five locations named to receive federal funding for the purpose of improving community and economic development.

U.S. Sens. Susan Collins and Angus King announced five Northern Border Regional Commission grants will go to the state of Maine totaling more than $1.2 million. The NBRC helps address the community and economic development needs of distressed portions of the Northern Forest region.
“These grants represent significant investments in these communities,” said Collins and King, in a joint statement. “These valuable infrastructure and employment programs will improve quality of life for residents and help create and sustain jobs.”
The town of Ashland will receive $226,000 to upgrade one mile of highway to support the town forest-products intermodal facility. Around $230,000 is earmarked for the Maine Wood Products Association, to implement a training and credentialing program for wood products industry employees.