A glimpse into 2007

18 years ago

With the New Year fully upon us, many people have already realized that they are not meeting their resolutions they made about a month ago. Diets, exercise and quitting smoking are likely high on the list. For the City, we don’t necessarily make resolutions each year, but we do look ahead and plan for the upcoming year and beyond. Though not meant to be all inclusive, here are some items you are going to see in the near future.
     The benefits of dredging the soils at Mantle Lake will be evident this spring. There will be a recognition ceremony to thank all who assisted in this project the past several years. And, Mantle Lake will regain its water quality allowing citizens to fully enjoy this natural resource located in the heart of the community.
The renovations of a former missile hanger at Skyway Industrial Park for the new home of the public works garage will be completed. The Presque Isle Industrial Council and the Public Works Department are coordinating this effort. The project is on schedule so watch for a grand opening this summer.
The Recreation and Parks Advisory Board has been designated by the City Council to explore a new recreation facility. The committee has worked diligently the past several months in defining the needs of a new facility and where it might be located. The committee will be hosting one of more opportunities for public input on their efforts. Your input will be helpful in meeting the future needs of the department as they pursue a new facility.
The Downtown Revitalization Committee continues its high energy levels working on various downtown issues. Economic development and a re-energized downtown are key elements of this committee. And, look for the return of lighted holiday lights in the downtown in 2007.
The City’s long awaited update of its comprehensive plan will be ready for public comments and submission to the State Planning Office in the next few months. The plan will help guide the City into the future on many of its long range plans. Public comments will be vital to insure that the plan is sound and represents the wishes of the community.
The Northern Maine Regional Airport will undergo renovations to one of its runways. This investment will serve to enhance the quality of the runway and provide for quality service at the airport. Much of the cost of this investment comes from federal funds under an Airport Improvement Fund grant to the City.
The Solid Waste Department, in cooperation with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection, will be developing a long range improvement plan to the City’s landfill. The plan will address environmental and compliance issues associated with the landfill, with the goal to extend the life of the landfill well into the future. Actual construction on the improvements is targeted to begin in 2008.
And, don’t forget the day to day operations and services that the City provides, many which go unheralded along the way.
As you can see, it’s going to be a busy year… and just what did happen to those resolutions about losing weight, exercising and quitting smoking anyway?
This article was submitted by Thomas Stevens, city manager, who can be reached at 764-4485 or online at tstevens@presqueisleme.us.