Lot’s happening in our downtown
By Kim Smith
Have you noticed the positive changes that have taken place in our downtown over the last few years? Admittedly, many of these have been small and subtle, but when added together one has to admit these changes have contributed to a better atmosphere and look overall.
These changes have been the results of efforts by Presque Isle’s Downtown Revitalization Committee (PIDRC).
PIDRC consists of business owners and other individuals interested in a vibrant and revitalized downtown. The committee began meeting in 2006 and started affecting changes by simply asking merchants along Main Street to wash their windows more often. Since then, other changes have included the beautiful flower barrels and benches placed along Main Street annually during summer months, new banners and holiday lighting, and trees being replaced.
Recommendations are made on a regular basis by the committee to City Council for positive action designed to enhance the quality of life for residents. Some of these recommendations have resulted in “Music in the Park”, plans for the public market, and crosswalk safety signs by the Braden Theatre. The group also annually recognizes businesses and individuals who have made a difference in our downtown thus encouraging others to get on the bandwagon, so to speak.
PIDRC currently has three sub-committees: Design (for the greenspace area in front of the new Machias Bank building), Promotions (to better promote downtown and the committee’s efforts), and Music in the Park. The committee itself meets monthly on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 a.m. in City Council Chambers at City Hall.
A revitalized downtown benefits everyone. A vibrant and healthy downtown brings in new jobs and sustains existing business and jobs; brings in new revenue through increased tourism and increased property values; and provides residents with pride in their hometown and quality of life.
Active involvement by residents and existing businesses is mandatory for the revitalization process to be a success. As such, the committee encourages individuals and businesses to participate in the many downtown events held over the course of the year from races to walks to street fairs and more. The next event will be Main Street Mania on Friday, Nov. 20.
Kim Smith is Grant Writer/Public Information Officer for the city of Presque Isle.She can be reached at 760-2722 or via email at ksmith@presqueisleme.us