Sled law invites Canadians to trails
AUGUSTA, Maine — A measure introduced by Rep. Roland “Danny” Martin to encourage registered snowmobilers from Canada to sled in Maine went into effect Oct. 15, 2015.
“This is a great step forward,” said Martin, D-Sinclair. “Snowmobiling is an important economic driver in our area and encouraging residents of New Brunswick and Quebec to come to Aroostook County will only help our local economy.”
Previously, only snowmobilers registered in Vermont and New Hampshire could operate their sleds in Maine for three consecutive days without being registered in the state. The new law extends this provision to snowmobilers registered in the Canadian provinces of New Brunswick and Quebec.
Bob Meyers, executive director of the Maine Snowmobile Association, said the bill could attract more regular visitors to the state.
“It makes sense to have the same provision for our Canadian neighbors that we extend to states to our west,” said Meyers. “Maine offers a great value for Canadian snowmobilers and we think if they give us a try they will become regular visitors.”
Meyers testified that the economic value of snowmobiling in Maine is estimated to be in excess of $300 million.
Martin served as commissioner of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife for eight years.