Riding club holds second horse show

8 years ago

Riding club holds second horse show

FORT FAIRFIELD, Maine — The second Pine & Spurs Riding Club horse show of the summer was held recently as part of Maine Potato Blossom Festival weekend.

Saturday’s winners were: Leadline: Walker Moreau, grand champion; and Kloey Merrill, reserve champion. Walk/Trot: Paige Bosse, grand champion; and Kloey Merrill, reserve champion. Youth: Tilly Hamilton, grand champion; and Alison Sweetser, reserve champion. Adult: Madison Bagley, grand champion; and Laura Moreau, reserve champion.
During Sunday’s performance, results were as follows: Leadline: Aaron Gardener, grand champion; and Charlie Farley, reserve champion. Walk/Trot: Emma Rediker, grand champion; and Paige Bosse, reserve champion. Youth English: Izzy Higgins, grand champion; and Mallory Williams, reserve champion. Adult English: Paige Gagnon, grand champion; and Morgan Bartlett, reserve champion. Youth Western: Anna Robinson, grand champion; and Megan Robinson, reserve champion. Adult Western: Heidi Spence, grand champion.
The next show will be Aug. 20 and 21 at the Damboise Road venue in Fort Fairfield.