Healthy You program offers Bone Builders
CARIBOU, Maine — The Aroostook Retired Senior Volunteer Program and Cary Medical Center’s Healthy You program will resume free Bone Builders classes at two different locations this fall.
In Fort Fairfield, the class is ongoing and meets regularly on Tuesday and Thursday mornings at the town meeting room in the Fort Fairfield Community Center Building from 9-10 a.m.
The Caribou RSVP Bone Builders class will meet regularly on Monday and Thursday mornings at the Caribou Wellness Center from 10-11 a.m., beginning Monday, Sept. 12, 2016.
Bone Builders is an evidence-based exercise program for individuals age 55 and over who want to counteract the negative effects of osteoporosis. Trained RSVP volunteers lead participants in weight-bearing exercises designed to address specific areas of the body affected by osteoporosis.
Studies have shown that people who participate in Bone Builders and similar exercise programs twice a week for one year can increase their bone density by an average of 1 percent. In addition to building bone density, benefits of these Bone Builders classes include improved balance and poise, increased energy and mobility, and decreased blood pressure.
The classes are free and ongoing in order to reverse the effects of osteoporosis. There are two release forms that must be completed prior to participation in the class. Contact Bethany Zell, Healthy You Program Director, at 498-1361 or