Hire-A-Vet effort kicks off this week
AUGUSTA, Maine — The 2016 Maine Hire-A-Vet Campaign will take place over 100 days, starting with its kick-off event on Sept. 1 in Augusta. The goal of the statewide campaign is to commit at least 100 employers to recruit veterans and with the result of at least 100 veterans hired.
“Through the Hire-A-Vet campaign, more employers are discovering the value veterans bring to their workforce,” said Governor Paul R. LePage. “Ann and I fully support this successful initiative, and look forward to helping make this year’s effort reach more employers and get more veterans good paying careers in our state. Whether you are a veteran or an employer, we urge you to connect with this campaign to help us meet Maine’s workforce needs. Veterans’ skills include teamwork, leadership, technology, and tremendous discipline that can benefit all of our businesses.”
The campaign provides support for employers to expand the hiring of veterans, to include a network of state and federal agencies, resources and nonprofits; education on military language and culture; assistance with recruiting, hiring, assimilation and retention; a veteran hiring toolkit and recognition for the hiring and advancement of veterans.
The Maine Hire-A-Vet Campaign kicks off at 8:30 a.m. on Sept. 1 at the Augusta Armory, which will include a hiring fair and presentations. For more information contact Steven Roy, campaign coordinator, at (207) 624-5156 or MaineHireAVet.DOL@maine.gov. TTY users call Maine Relay 711.
Veterans’ employment representatives are available throughout the state and can visit employers to assist them in finding qualified veterans and provide information on the benefits of hiring veterans. Employers or veterans can contact Roy for more information. Employers and veterans can also contact the local CareerCenter in Presque Isle at 760-6300.
The campaign will focus on jobs paying at least a wage of $12 per hour, but all employers with jobs at all pay levels are welcome. Participating employers are not required to hire veterans they interview in order to participate in the campaign.
The 2015 Maine Hire A Vet Campaign, its first year, saw 135 employers participate and 259 veterans hired, with an average placement wage of $17.89 per hour.
Follow the campaign at www.mainecareercenter.com/hireavet.shtml, on Facebook at @MaineHireAVet and on Twitter with #MaineHireAVet.