Consider this for a moment

17 years ago

To the editor:
    Our lives are made up of millions of individual moments that are all strung together. Moments turn into minutes, hours, days, months, years, a whole lifetime. These moments come and go, we seldom take notice of them at all. At the end of the day, when we sum up our day’s activities, we cannot actually account for most of those moments that came and went without us ever noticing.
    All of us have magnificent minds which are capable of so very much. I truly believe that each and every one of us is capable of being a genius (or a moron), the choice being our own. Our thoughts and feelings are very powerful. Thought always creates form. What we focus our attention upon intensifies. What we think about in the present moment is, and will be. This is a very important truth. Each of us has a responsibility to always choose our thoughts carefully.
    Perhaps we can somehow grab hold of some of these moments before they slip away. We can consciously choose to fill these moments with thoughts of joy, peace, harmony and love. It would only take just a moment or two each day from each of us.
    Collectively, these beautiful moments will add up and intensify. There will be enough moments collected to raise the vibration of our planet. We can really make a difference without having to do anything other than to consciously direct our thoughts.
    This is our world, let’s work together to make it a better one!
Gloria Scott