Island Falls news, events and happenings

Riva Hawkes, Special to The County
16 years ago
Summerfest organizer needed
There will be a Summerfest organizational meeting on Thursday, June 19 at 7 p.m. at the municipal building.
    There is currently no one responsible for organizing the events that we have held in the past. Please attend this meeting and help make plans to hold our annual Summerfest events. Anyone who has held or sponsored an event or wishes to should attend.
Please help us make this as good a time as it can be. It helps our economy and sponsors a community feeling and every one has enjoyed it  so much in the past.
Katahdin Club meets
On June 11, the Island Falls Katahdin Club met at the home of Gloria Willigar, with Nora Willigar as co-hostess for a pot-luck luncheon and meeting. Table grace was given by Laura Bomba and  following lunch, the business meeting was held. All reports were approved and new officers elected as follows: president, Laura Bomba; vice president, Mary Moore; treasurer, Doris Lynch and secretary Gloria Willigar.     Following the business meeting a silent auction and social time was much enjoyed as they all prepare for the summer recess. Members present were, Lee Brewer, Laura Bomba, Gladys Ferguson, Clara Hathaway, Mary Joy, Mary Moore, Doris Lynch, Verna MacArthur, Leithea Porter Edna Schmidt and Gloria and Nora Willigar.
Visiting with family
Dennis and Rebecca Drew have returned home a visit with their son and family, Adam and Yanua Drew and children, Dennis and Dalia, in Espanola, New Mexico. On Memorial Day, the weather was sunny and warm and the family enjoyed a picnic to the Sipatu Ski area in the Sante Cristo Mountains.
On their return flight, the Drews were delayed 30 minutes at the airport as Air Force One was there waiting for the President to return from making a speech nearby. As a result of this delay they missed connections to Cincinnati, but made it home in good time, regardless.
Emerson Store hours
The Emerson Store, operated by the Island Falls Historical Society, is announcing new hours as of June 3. They will be open Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 1-4 p.m. The Jail House Museum will be open Tuesdays from noon to 3 p.m.
There are unique, handmade local crafts, art and gifts available, plus a tour of the restored 1900’s era house, military artifacts. Visitors can view local history with hundreds of photos of the area, as well as, research your genealogy.
Crafts are wanted and consignment sales; it’s an opportunity to sell what you make. The store is located at 16 Nina Sawyer Lane, Island Fall. Call them at 463-2264.
Summer visitors
Mr. and Mrs. Martin Pankratz arrived at their summer home on Pleasant Pond on June 6, preceded by daughter Marsha who had opened up the cottage and had it all ready when the Pankratz’s arrived. Even had the dock out and a boat ready.
Around the house
My menagerie has dwindled quite a bit since warm weather has arrived, but I still have the gold finch and red polls eating occasionally in the feeders. One lone deer was on the back lawn the other night so she got some cut-up apples and bread for a treat, which she made short work of.
The black cat is still in the barn and comes to get his food. The little cat next door still stalks him when he sees him, and the big cat just ignores him.
Dennis and Rebecca Drew have recently visited with their son and family, Adam and Yanua and children, Dennis and Dahlia, in Espanola, New Mexico. While there, on Memorial Day they all enjoyed a picnic in the Sipapu ski area in the Sante Cristo Mountains and took in all the lovely scenery in the area. On their return home they were delayed at the airport for 30 minutes while waiting for Air Force One to pick up the president, who was delivering a speech. As a result of the delay the Drew’s missed their connection in Cincinnati for Maine, but managed to make it home with no further delays.
New hours for the Emerson Store are Tuesday-Wednesday-Thursday 11to 4 p.m. Jail House Museum is open Tuesday from 12-3 p.m. Emerson Store has unique handmade crafts, art and gifts — a tour of a restored 1900’s era home, plus local area history, military artifacts, research genealogy and more.
On June 11, the Katahdin Club of Island Falls met with a pot-luck luncheon and meeting at the home of Gloria Willigar, with Nora Willigar as co-hostess, with table grace given by Laura Bomba. Following lunch the business meeting was begun and all reports were read and approved. After the business meeting a Silent Auction was held. Members present were Laura Bomba, Gladys Ferguson, Clara Hathaway, Mary Joy, Doris Lynch, Verna Mac Arthur, Mary Moore, Leitha Porter, Edna Schmidt, and Gloria and Nora Willigar and Lee Brewer.  New officers elected for the coming year were Laura Bomba, president, Mary Moore, vice-president, Doris Lynch, treasurer and Gloria Williger, secretary.