Odor worse than Rockland

17 years ago

To the editor:
    If you read the article in the Bangor Daily News (Jan. 28), you discovered that a coffee roastery in Rockland faces heavy fines and possible closing if a solution isn’t found to remedy the smell violation —and this is after roasting coffee there since 1999.     Now, can you imagine how the smell of roasting coffee beans would or could cause someone to complain? A man and his wife have, in fact, issued a formal complaint that the odor constitutes a public nuisance. This brings me to the awful odor we Presque Isle-ites must endure far too often from the gigantic smokestack of Tater Meal on the base. I wonder which smells worse cooking — coffee or cow mash? Nah, we all know that answer, don’t we?
    Weren’t we promised several years ago by the city council that the odor problem from Tater Meal would be addressed and remedied? It hasn’t. I’d far rather smell coffee beans roasting and, yet, the roastery in Rockland just might be shut down. The cow-mash factory is still spewing its repugnant odor and no remedy appears to be at hand. Is it because the factory is owned by people with lots of money (McCain Foods in Easton)? That’s likely, you know.
    City council members — can you publicly address this issue or is it easier to simply ignore it, hoping it will take care of itself? It won’t, I promise.

Dick Graves
Presque Isle