Home canning saves money

17 years ago

    Many people today are looking for ways to reduce food costs. Canning fruits and vegetables is one way to save money, while stocking up on tasty, nutritious foods. Canning today is different than it was a generation ago. Although “mom is always right” is true in most cases, don’t take a chance of becoming ill because of outdated information mom might share about her home canning experiences. Get the most up-to-date, research-based information about canning, and gain hands-on experience using the different types of canners on the market today at this two-day workshop.
    “Home Canning for Today: What Your Mother Never Taught You” will cover topics such as knowing the difference between water bath canning and pressure canning, how and when to use which method, how to determine if home-canned food is safe to eat, and how to store home canned foods properly.
    Part I will cover Canning Basics of Water Bath Canning and  Part II will cover Canning Basics of Pressure Canning. Both sessions will be held at the Center for Community Health Education at Houlton Regional Hospital. Presenters will be Lisa Fishman and Linda Trickey from the University of Maine Cooperative Extension.
    Workshops are on August 26 and 28 and will run from 5-8 p.m. Cost of these workshops is $10 for both and includes all materials. Class size is limited to 10 and pre-registration is required. To register or for more information, call 532-6548 or 1-800-287-1469.