Registration of Hodgdon new students

16 years ago

    Loreen Wiley, principal of Mill Pond School, would like to welcome all new students to Maine School Administration District Seventy. Parents of new students in the following towns: Hodgdon, Amity, Haynesville, Linneus, Ludlow and New Limerick, should register at Mill Pond School in Hodgdon before August 27.
      The MSAD #70 School Board would like to remind all parents/guardians that the first day of school for students in Grades K-8 is Wednesday, August 27, 2008. Breakfast begins at 7:45 with classes beginning promptly at 8 a.m. Buses leave the school at 2:30 p.m. and late dismissals for walkers, bikers and students is at 2:35. We ask that you schedule appointments and lessons later in the afternoon, so students will complete their daily classes.
    The telephone number for the school is 532-9228. Please feel free to call if you have any questions.