Houlton High School freshman, Cody Woods, son of Dr. and Mrs. Karl Woods has been accepted into the People to People Presidential Inauguration program. Woods will join a select group of returning People to People travelers from around the world to celebrate this monumental event in Washington, D.C.
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OFF TO WASHINGTON — Houlton High freshman, Cody Woods, son of Dr. and Mrs. Karl Woods has been selected to attend the Inauguration of Barack Obama in Washington, D.C. As a member of the People to People academic program, he will join other students from around the world for this historical event.
This special delegation will witness the swearing-in of Barack Obama, as the 44th president of the United States and listen to his inaugural address. They will also gain insights into American leaders throughout history, during discussions with political experts. As a successful People to People delegate, Woods earned an exclusive invitation to this unique program.
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FORTIER SELECTED — Seventh-grader, Samuel Fortier of Strafford, N.H. was selected by the Congressional Youth Leadership Council to be a part of the Junior Presidential Youth Inaugural Conference. Fortier is the son of Michael and Mary Fortier of Strafford and the grandson of Leigh and Myrna Hutchinson of Houlton.
Woods will arrive in Washington on Jan.17, and begin a full schedule of activities for the next four days. They include, touring the Mount Vernon estate, the national memorials, Arlington National Cemetery, several museums, and the People to People Inaugural Ball. On the final day of the Washington trip, Woods will visit the U.S. Capitol Building, the National Archives, have a photo opportunity at the White House and attend a performance at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts.
This program is coordinated by People to People Leadership Programs to fulfill the vision President Dwight D. Eisenhower had in 1956.
For additional information, visit www. Peopletopeople.com