Bonner recognized by MDEP

16 years ago

    The Maine Department of Environmental Protection (MDEP) recently recognized former Danforth town manager Tammy Bonner for her longtime support of the Danforth Wastewater Department and clean water for Maine’s environment. Bonner served the town of Danforth for 18 years as town clerk and then as town manager.
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RECEIVES AWARD — Former Danforth Town Manager, Tammy Bonner, center, was honored by the Maine Department of Environmental Protection for her work relating to Maine’s clean water. Presenting Bonner with a plaque is from left, Bill Sheehan from the MDEP and the MDEP regional director, Nick Archer.
    In presenting the award, DEP commissioner David Littell noted, “Managing a small town successfully is a challenging mission that requires a diversity of skills. In the Town of Danforth, familiarity with wastewater treatment is one of the skills required and Tammy, though not an operator, knew a lot about her town’s wastewater treatment system. She kept a watchful eye on the physical plant, the operators, the DEP and the budget.”
    Littell noted some of Bonner’s clean water accomplishments:
    She worked with the DEP to successfully permit an expansion of the town’s bio-solids spreading site; hired a consulting wastewater operator to help the town and its treatment plant operator address some serious operations and maintenance issues facing the town; acquired state grant funds to assist the financially challenged community fund system repairs and upgrades; discovered a pumping station mechanical problem through her usual detailed scrutiny of the wastewater-related electric bills; demonstrated her support and dedication to protecting the environment by staying on site late into the night to assist Danforth’s operators and contractors with logistical support in an emergency situation, when a wastewater pumping station failed and was bypassing.
    Commissioner Littell concluded by saying, “Tammy’s forthright style, ‘can do’ attitude and willingness to work with the DEP staff to solve problems well served the town of Danforth and Maine’s environment.”
    Bonner’s achievement was recognized by the Maine Wastewater Control Association’s fall convention in Bethel in September. She was recently presented with a plaque for her accomplishments.