Not in agreement with Rogan’s statements

16 years ago

To the editor:
    Regarding the letter published by Mary Anne De Rogan. Her statements could not be further from the truth. She fails to note that the will of the majority has been in place since January 22, 1973. What about John Salvi, Eric Rudolph and the murder of Dr. Slepian? What about all the other acts of violence perpetrated against women and the countless violations of buffer zones?
    The Freedom of Choice Act is a small attempt to undo the wholesale abrogation of the rights of women for most of the last three decades and long before that by an intrusive and meddlesome government aided and abetted by such as herself. Women in the U.S. are have had their rights demolished nearly as much as the Taliban has done to them in the Middle East. It should be noted that this candidate lost by a 2-1 margin and Republicans nationwide suffered a similar fate that even the machinations of such as Mr. Tobin and other vote fraudsters couldn’t stop.
Jim Burns