Aroostook County values

16 years ago

To the editor:
    For the past three months I have had the pleasure of visiting close to 1,000 homes researching farms. I had no idea what to expect before I came to this county. What I found was real folks that still believe in a handshake, God and country.
    The normal size of each family is three to five generations. To an outsider it's unheard of. To the locals, it's taken for granted and think it's no big deal. That's why you all shine!
    Everyone made me feel at home and shared family history with me. I feel blessed for your trust and openness.
    My grandson, Cody Haskins, has set up a blog. Cody has begun to scan all of the aerial photos of farms, circa 1964 and also all the information that I have gathered. There will be a section for you to go to see your farm and correct my data or add more information.
    I personally have gathered close to 60 percent and if that is all we can get, we will go with a first edition book. I met a great deal of you that I would love to continue a friendship, what a wonderful feeling that is for me.
Steve Berry
Waterbury, Vt.