Island Falls High School holds Alumni Banquet and Reunion

16 years ago

The annual Island Falls High School Alumni Banquet and Reunion was held Saturday, Aug. 1 at the Municipal Building, Island Falls.
    One hundred and forty-six alumni and guests were served a buffet meal catered by Big Valley Sno-Club of Island Falls They honored the Class of 1959 as they celebrated their 50th anniversary since graduation and enjoyed light entertainment offered by Elvis impersonator Bradley Edwards and a slide show of homes and buildings of yesterday Island Falls.
At roll call the first respondent was Clara Campbell Hathaway. Clara at age 102 celebrated her 85th anniversary since graduating from Island Falls High School class of 1924. Several members of her family were present to enjoy her celebration.
Attending the reunion were: Verna Prescott MacArthur, 1936; Althea Drew Given, along with Rodney Palmer and Janice, 1937; Louis Curry with Jo, Mac Palmer with Priscilla, 1943; Annie Jane Porter Smith, Ted Sherman, Carl Shields with Elfreida, Eunice Carr Rectanwald and guests, 1945; Edward Dwyer and Mabel Lenentine Desmond, 1946; Mary Dunphy Roberts with Karen Roberts Flores and Phyllis Dunphy Drew, Marion Lane Hoar and Edith Dwyer, 1947; Harold Sherman, Raymond Porter and Elizabeth, 1948; Richard Martin and Dorothy, Jeanne Porter Smallwood and Bob, Ed Quinlan, Mona Smith Markie and guest, Almon Townsend and Ruth, Ron Edwards, Owen Botting and Jim Hathaway, 1950.
Also, Marjorie Pulkkinen Carter and Harry, Mary Dwyer Lawler and guest, Merlyne Porter Ryan and Rudolph Raymond, 1951; Jim Shields, Joyce Curry and Barbara Thorne Pulkkinen, 1952; Carole Clark Starr and Sonny, Marion Grant Burton and Don, Marilyn Hartin Noyes, Ed McGraw, Virgil Lynch and Doris, Carletta Pettengill Nevers, Gary and Jan, Richard Pulkkinen, Rebekah Tingley Stevens with Royce Smallwood, Gilbert Sirois, Richard Ryan and Edward Campbell, 1953; Sandra Morrison Shields and Nancy Pendleton McGraw, 1955; Gary Pettengill and Janet, Charles Pelkey and Barry, 1956; Jeannette Cameron Sherman and Bob, Walter Pulkinen and Joanne, Terry Dwyer, Sylvia Morrison and Shirley Pipes Sides, 1957; Susan Berry Prescott, Eric Pettengill and Mary, Beverly Dickinson Long and Merrilee Sherman Kirby, 1958.
Also, Jean Bouchard Twist, 1960; Phil Curry and Polly, Jane Tompkins Miller and Bob, 1961; Sandra Pipes Anderson and Sherry Edwards Hosford, 1962; Barbara Parady Sleeper and guests, 1963; Patrick Hunt, Keith MacKenzie, Tony Bouchard and Nina, Richard Armstrong and Dennis Drew, 1964; Ted Pettengill and Dianne Curry, 1965; Gail Webb Davis and Norman Grant, 1966; Rebecca Joy Drew, 1967; Sharman Hoar Drew Ball, Valerie Lake Powers and Ralph, Winnie White Desmond, Mait and Annette Michaud Stevens, Barry MacArthur, Sandra Newman, Darlene Hartin, Emmileen Goodall Coyle and Warren Walker, 1969.
Also, Verna White Jones, 1971; Randy Curry, Kareen Given King and Donna Ireland Walker, 1972; Fred Anderson and Jackie, and Ann Campbell Joy, 1973.
Attending were honorary alumni Dot Armstrong, Harold Hoar, along with Tim and Keeley Hathaway and guests.
Honored guests for the evening from the Class of 1959 were Fred Astle and Janis, George Dubois, Betty Rand, Roderic Emery and Delma Michaud Emery, along with guests from the Class of 1964, Rodney Mitchell and Joyce, Reneva Jones Smith and Arthur, as well as from 1954, Frank Edwards.
Absent and sending greetings were Judy Morrison Cameron, Ann Michaud Russell and Rodney Bishop. Deceased from the class are Jim Hosford and Joyce Willette Copeland. The members of the class introduced themselves and shared remarks.
At the business meeting, presided by outgoing president Fred Anderson 1973, new officers for 2010-11 are: President Ann Campbell Joy 1973; Vice President Jerolyn Jones Ireland 1958 and secretary and treasurer Rebecca Joy Drew 1967. Entertainment chair for the next two years will be Winnie White Desmond 1969 and the scholarship committee will remain as president, secretary, Annette Stevens, Winnie White and Robert Porter. It was voted to move $500 annually from general fund to scholarship fund when all bills are paid. Each year $1,000 in scholarship monies are awarded at Southern Aroostook Community School to students who are descendents of alumni.
Island Falls Alumni Association holds its annual banquet and reunion every year on the first Saturday of August. This event coincides with the Summer Fest celebration held in Island Falls each year.