To the editor:
We are dentists who serve the community of Island Falls, as well as other towns from Millinocket to Houlton. We are writing to urge Island Falls residents to support the continued use of fluoride in the Island Falls community water supply by voting “Yes” at the special town meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 9th.
Simply put, fluoride in our public water prevents tooth decay for both the young and the old and does so safely and at a very low cost. All over the world, fluoride is used in public water supplies to build strong teeth and prevent tooth decay.
In these difficult economic times, we understand the cost of adding fluoride to public water is an important consideration. But as dentists, we see what it costs people who live in towns without fluoride – more visits to the dentist and more expensive dental treatments. It’s clear that the cost of adding fluoride to public water is much less than the cost of treating tooth decay.
The information we have studied over many years shows that people in two age groups benefit the most from water fluoridation are children and elders. In children, fluoride helps build strong teeth from birth, up to the age of about 6 when the permanent teeth start to be seen. In elders, fluoride works to prevent decay on the roots of teeth when gums have often receded. And the best part, optimally fluoridated water is safe for children, elders and everyone in between.
It is an unfortunate myth, that people believe, that says you can get enough fluoride simply by eating products from the supermarket, using fluoridated toothpaste, or drinking sports drinks and soda. The acids and sugar in sports drinks and soda stop any benefit the fluoride may provide. Plus, the amount of fluoride contained in food is not enough to protect your teeth.
The best way to protect teeth from decay is by drinking and cooking with public water to which fluoride has been added by the trained professionals at the local water district.
As dentists, we always stress prevention. Over and over again, we tell our patients to brush and floss every day. Our goal is to support activities that help people build strong, healthy teeth; it is why we are dentists. That is why we support the continued use of fluoride in public water supplies – it’s the best way to ensure that people living in towns like Island Falls can keep their teeth healthy.
Dr. Richard Engroff
Dr. Karl Woods
Dr. Peter Johnson
Dr. Stephen Johnson
Dr. Neal Surrette
Dr. Peter Stanley