Compiled by Karen Donato
Aroostook Times
Letter B Road — The B School has opened again after a vacation of several weeks on account of scarlet fever.
Local — The farmers are very much pleased with the price of potatoes at 80 cents per barrel.
Salvation Army — The hall of the Salvation Army was packed to the doors Saturday afternoon and many who could not find seats, stood on the platform and in the aisles. The meeting was devoted to Gospel and Temperance work and interesting papers on the work were read.
Palm reading — Madam Santos is still at Clark’s Hotel where she is giving readings in Palmistry.
Houlton Pioneer Times
Hodgdon — Loss estimated at $25,000 was caused by fire, which totally destroyed the Hodgdon High School building just before the opening of school on Monday morning. The building housed 200 students and contained eight grades and a four-year high school course. The fire is thought to be caused by bare wires between the floors.
Busy lady — 83-year-old Louise Sterritt sets pace many younger could not follow. She is the grand little old/young lady of Linneus. Mrs. Sterritt, who is known to all her friends as Granny Sterritt, lives with her son, Hazen Bragan and family. Due to the illness of Mrs. Bragan, Mrs. Sterritt has done the work for a family of seven, including the family wash, taken care of the milking of four cows, some weeks making as high as 20 pints of butter and in her spare time has knitted a number of pairs of men’s gloves, also stockings and mittens and made patchwork quilts.
Houlton Pioneer Times 1960 File Photo
JULIETTE LOW NIGHT — Girls Scouts from Houlton and Girl Guides from Canada met at the Gentle Memorial Building for the annual Juliette Low Night. Here four girls with the colors of their respective countries pose before the program. From left, Susan Andow of Woodstock, Virginia Peltier, Troop 3, Houlton, Susan Bonnell, Woodstock and Ann Lambert of Troop 7, Houlton.
Houlton Pioneer Times
Local man — The condition of Lieut. Frank B. Dunn was termed serious, but not critical. Lt. Dunn had just taken off from his base at Missawa, Japan and was about five miles from the runway when the F101 jet fighter exploded. The former Houlton resident ejected himself and parachuted to the ground where he was picked up by a helicopter.
Monticello — Birthdays in a family are usually spread throughout the year, leaving ample time for the participants and parents to recover before the next one arrives, but not so for the Cheney family. Three of their five children were born in February, Gary on the 19th, Jacqueline on the 18th and little Kathy Lorraine on the 24th.
Mt. Katahdin — Kenneth Wetmore spent several days this week at Mr. Katahdin where he assisted Park Ranger Edward Werler and a group of the Appalachian Mountain Club in mountain climbing.
Dyer Brook — The following children participated in the talent show at Patten Academy, Naomi Bailey, Fay Leavitt and Holly Leavitt.
Houlton Pioneer Times
Parade director — Lona Putnam will again direct Houlton’s 4th of July parade. David Harbison Sr. is the chairman of the committee.
Crowned — Ryan McGillicuddy and Darcy Deveau, fifth-graders at Lambert School and Ellen Lee and Jasen Hutchinson, sixth-graders, were crowned Valentine Royalty by their classmates.
Monticello — Valentine’s Day held a special meaning for the students of Wellington School with 50 grandparents enjoying a roast chicken dinner with their grandchildren.
Fellowship — Dr. Rosalinda Maraya, pediatrician at Houlton Regional Hospital was elected to fellowship in the American Academy of Pediatrics at a recent meeting of the A.A.P. executive board.
Awarded contract — Bob Spurr and his Airport Machine and Welding at Houlton International Airport is one of four Maine firms awarded preliminary contracts by Sikorsky Aircraft of Connecticut as a result of a cooperative program set up by Senator Bill Cohen.