Compiled by Karen Donato
100 Years Ago-April 27, 1910
Aroostook Times
Railroad — The Pintsch Compressing Company of New York City has just made a contract with the Bangor & Aroostook Railroad to equip 30 of the railroad company’s cars with its gas lighting system.
Real banking — The Waterville Sentinel calls attention to the fact that the Houlton Savings Bank is a shining example of an institution which gives preference to home interests in making loans. Out of its total resources of $908,393.96 this bank has loans on home real estate to the amount of $439,731.17, or nearly half the resources invested in mortgages and less than one-tenth invested outside the state.
75 Years Ago-April 25, 1935
Houlton Pioneer Times
Church lot — The organization known as the Christian and Missionary Alliance yesterday purchased the lot on the corner of Pleasant Street and Highland Avenue, known as the Cogan lot, and will build a building for church purposes.
Dyer Brook — Laurel McNally went to Millinocket last Tuesday, taking with him four seniors, Howard Lougee, Leland Gerrish, Lawrence Randall of this town and John McDonald of Smyrna Mills who had their pictures taken.
Littleton – The Ladies Aid will have a “Gloom Party” at the Grange Hall. There will be musical numbers, readings, jokes, stunts and games. It is requested that you bring a joke along with you and wear a gloomy face. The admission to the hall is 10 cents.
Sherman Mills — Last Saturday night the talking movies were started in town by Dale O’Roak, owner of the machine. There was good attendance.
Houlton Pioneer Times File Photo
DANCERS — The third annual Thomas School of Dance Recital is planned with the following participants. From left kneeling, Jane Rhoda, Cathy Carroll and Janice Briggs. Standing, Beverly Mills, Kendall Pierce, Ellen Maher, Helen Hardy and Elizabeth Shields.
50 Years Ago-April 28, 1960
Houlton Pioneer Times
Houlton druggist — Bill Cumming celebrated his 50th year in the drug store business. Cumming began his career as a clerk in the S.L. White Drug Store in 1910. A year later he went to the newly established West End Drug Store. From 1938 to 1944 he was a druggist at the O.F. French Drug Store. In 1944 he purchased an interest in the West End Drug Store where he remains today.
Church renovations — The Church of the Good Shepherd plans to go ahead at once with a building program including church school rooms, a modernized kitchen in the parish house and improvements in the church.
Poet — Maine-born poet Dr. Wilbert Snow will for the third consecutive year be Poet-in-Residence at Ricker College.
25 Years Ago-April 24, 1985
Houlton Pioneer Times
Houlton — The Zoning Board of Appeals paved the way for the construction of a new 20-unit apartment complex in Houlton to be located on North Street. Mr. Carvell Hatfield is planning to build two, two-story buildings, each with eight apartments and one, two-story building with four apartments. There would also be a separate building for all-purpose use.
Hospital board members — The Houlton Regional Hospital has named three new members at the recent annual meeting. They are, Gerald Wilson, Paula Gendron and Ceclia Rhoda.
Dullsville, USA — Sara Douglas, a former member of the Town Council and now Chairman of the Retail Trade Board of the Chamber of Commerce, pointed out that a new publication “1985 Let’s Go U.S.A.” had the audacity to refer to Houlton, Presque lsle and Caribou as nice areas to find fresh air, but otherwise “dullsville.” After much discussion both Mrs. Douglas and Council agreed that a solution to the Houlton’s “dullness” could not be resolved overnight, but that adding one or two attractions each year could change the Town’s image.