Ricker Rumblings
by Lois Downing
Ah, another Sunday and peace and quiet! Welcome, so welcome.
Our neighbors miss Helena Dickinson (and I do too, as we usually made small talk.) The Good Lord took her quickly in Bangor where she was at Eastern Maine Medical Center. Attending the funeral at Dunn Funeral Home on Saturday (Aug. 21) from Ricker Plaza were Paul Armstrong, Carolyn Carmichael, Shirley Nason and Lois Downing. (There could have been more there from our community, but that is who I noticed.) Beautiful pictures of Lena were on display showing her lovely hair. Her oldest daughter and one of her grandsons sang and how beautiful. Thanks, Helena, for your kind words — such a wonderful tribute to a very nice lady.
Dot Campbell had a day of shopping Thursday in Bangor and Ellsworth with her daughter Sheila and her husband (his name escapes me at the moment). Dot always looks so chipper with her little hats and ensembles to match.
Michael Healey of Beverly, Mass., nephew of Doris Hogan, has been visiting her for several weeks.
I loved the article Frank Dunn wrote to the Houlton Pioneer Times. The article appeared in the last issue (August 18) regarding Frank’s descriptions to some of the delicious foods about town. I shall certainly try to capture some of his delicacies. Thanks, Frank.
Joyce Bryant enjoyed a few days in Old Orchard Beach and other places recently.
Priscilla Brownlow accompanied her son to Caribou last Tuesday — possibly other people went too and had a great outing.
Yvonne Blake of Lee Apartments had a tumble during the Potato Feast celebration. She is not hospitalized, but bet she is suffering.
Jeff Thibodeau was in Portland for a few days.
The summer is slipping by, after Labor Day, now fast approaching, we always say the summer is over. A super summer it has been, weather-wise and other-wise (too hot for some).
I’m not over my trip yet, but if you want an article in the Houlton Pioneer Times, just call me at 532-2125 or slip a note under my door. Always willing to help. Judy, I’m still saving those labels. You’ll get them soon.
My neighbor, Elinor Schenk, is gone, but not forgotten. Elinor went to live with her son-in-law and daughter and has her own quarters, except for a kitchen. Talked to Elinor on the phone and she is doing fine.
Sign up for Healthy Living, Living with Chronic Illness will begin Sept. 1 and ends with the class on Oct. 6 at Ricker Plaza. There is no cost for the two and half hour course. Healthy Living is an interactive workshop for the goal of self-management of chronic disease and topics covering disease related problem solving, communication skills, managing emotions, exercise, developing patient/physician partnership, use of community resources, nutrition, and medications. Helen Sherwood, RN case manager, at Houlton Regional Hospital, is the instructor. Pre-registration is required by calling Janet Vose, 532-5969 or jvose@houltonregional.org.
Another note on our bulletin board: Sept. 23 at 7 p.m., “The Ernie Haase Signature Sound,” at the John A. Millar Civic Center, (their first visit to Houlton).
Have you ever been to a pig roast? Many of us in this area have but my attendance on Saturday was the first time when I attended one on the Calais Road, in the form of a baby shower for Ben and Jenny Lawlor Henderson (Brian and Charlene’s son) who are expecting a girl in September. Wyatt will have a sister! Wyatt stole the show with his tractor riding around and backing up too! His friends joined him and fun to watch. Oh, those precious pictures.
Some of the people attending were Noreen Berry, Megan Bither, Greg Schools, Tom Schools, Adam Henderson, Steve McAfee, Josephine McGuire, Diane Flewelling, Harriet Lawlor, Sara Casey, Kara Hersey, Randi, James and P. Hardy, Marion B. Henderson, Suzana Lawlor, Robin Lawlor, Melissa Lawlor, Hunter Lawlor, Jake Long, Jane Long, Steve Long, Brad Long, Pete Zane, Erynne Howland, Dylan Howland, Mary Howland, Stacy, Haley, Elizabeth, Garth Henderson, Amy and AJ O’Donnell, Randy and Jane Tapley, Tapley Acott, Rick and Tracy Sanford, Ted and Trina McAfee, Avery and Tish O’Donnell, Matt and Cassie McAfee, Tanya Little, Brian and Charlene Henderson and Lois Downing. There were many others who came later and didn’t sign the guest list.
The new address for Aroostook Retired and Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) is 1B Edgemont Drive, Presque Isle, ME 04769. The telephone number has changed too: 764-3396. Please take note.
Word has it that the OLD Elm Tree Diner is opening TODAY.
Donna Burns had a couple days at camp with members of her family last week.
My Bible verse for today is taken from Deuteronomy 6:6-7: “And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart: And thou shalt teach them deligently unto thy
Always welcome and thanks for the plastic bags and containers too found at my door. Haven’t seen Norma Hill around for a bit. Norma, where are you?
Take care and God bless.
Trivia Cool Down in Bridgewater
By Jann Bonkowski Votaw
Come on down to the Bridgewater Historical Hall, 485 Main Rd., Bridgewater on Saturday, Aug. 28 from 6-8 p.m. to test your trivia knowledge and get a cool treat at our Trivia Cool Down. Organizers will be having an ice cream sundae and float night. If a person gets a trivia question correct, the float or sundae will be free. If someone answers the question wrong, he/she will have to pay $2.50 for a float or sundae. Hope to see you there.
The sound system is nearly complete. Yippee! Organizers are just waiting for some items that are on order. Thank you to all who continue to support the BHA and its efforts. All donations from the Thursday Night Live Music with “Outside In” will now go toward another project at the hall. For those who haven’t been, think about coming on down for a lot of fun. That’s Thursday nights from 6-9 p.m. at the BHA Hall. Music by “Outside In.”
Due to the holiday, next month’s meeting will be held on Monday, Sept. 13 at 7 p.m. at the BHA Hall.
The staff of the historical hall have a supper planned for Saturday, Sept. 25, with more details soon.
On Oct. 1, 2, 8 and 9 the BHA will be holding yard sales. Anyone wishing to make a donation or rent a table please contact the BHA.
The Halloween Dance is set for the 30th of October, so get your costumes ready. Last year, there were almost 100 percent of the people in costumes. It was great! There will be lots of fun, music and prizes. So mark your calendars.
Bridgewater Historical Hall members are still accepting donations for the Canine Cop Vest Project. Members are hoping to have some exciting news about that soon.
For more information on the Bridgewater Historical Association call Jann Votaw, president, at 425-7901. For more details on the yard sales, call Gloria McCleary at 425-6941 or Stephanie Willette at 429- 9309.
Oakfield seniors gather
The Oakfield Senior Citizens gathered for its second meeting in August at the Oakfield Snowmobile Club. There were 22 members and one guest. After lunch we had the Lord’s Prayer and flag salute. We have one new member, Roberta Cullins. We had the secretarys and the treasures report voted and accepted.
Wanetta gave the card report. Had a silent auction for the benifit of the club.On our fall trip we are going to Presque Isle for lunch and shopping. All the ladies liked the idea of shopping.Any one interested in joining us can call Peggy Sanders at 757-8634.We meet on the first and third Wednesday of the month. Every one is welcome.
Attending were Linda Bartlette, Evelyn and Merle Burpee, Jeanne Clemends, Dureen and Joe Messina, Arlene Friel, Mildred Gagnon, Marie Gillotti, Sandra and Wendall Holmes, Mary Lawler, Wanetta Townsend, Bob and Delores Locke, Charlotte and Don Marley, Peggy and Larry Sanders, Janice Roy, Katherine Boultier, and one guest, Hazel Beers.
TOPS ME 0233, Houlton
by Lois Downing
Take Off Pounds Sensibly Chapter 0233 of Houlton met at the Aldergate building in Houlton for its weekly meeting Friday, Aug. 20.
Eighteen ladies were present and weighed. Leader Joyce Estey was present and led the group in their weekly endeavors.
The ladies were weighed at their meeting place and then assembled at the new park in Houlton. Many of the ladies took short walks; it was a beautiful day for the picnic area and picture taking by Charlotte Marley.
The person winning the skinny dish divided the money between TOPS’ treasury and her pocket. What a nice thing to do!
Joyce read various information from one of our representatives. Most of the information contained news about a project we all could participate; some of the news was given to Denise Kinney, weight recorder as Denise will act on it.
Lois Downing thanked all who helped with the notes while she was away on vacation.
The weekly contest will surely end Aug. 27. Ladies are asked to finalize their contest papers by that date.
Charm lady Melva Folsom presented charms to Donna Parent and Lois Downing.
The next meeting will be at our usual meeting place on High Street, Aug. 27.
For information about the chapter you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Take Off Pounds Sensibly, Chapter 0233, of Houlton also met at the Aldergate building on High Street for its weekly meeting of Aug. 13. Our leader Joyce Estey was present with 13 TOPS and three KOPS (Keep Off Pounds Sensibly) members attending.
Loser of the week was Gerry McAfee; runner-up was Joanne Scott. The weekly drawing of the Skinny Dish was held over for another week. Janette Nelson gave a financial report, a monthly report as always very accurate. Barbara Grant led the group in several minutes of exercises. Betty Ivey read the secretary’s report in the absence of Lois Downing, on vacation. Betty also read the poem, “Only 7 Days to Go.”
Leader Joyce made it very clear to members that when we are absent, our dues go on. As an example, if we are absent two weeks on the third week we owe three weeks’ dues.
For the next week, August 20, our chapter will meet at the usual meeting place for weigh-in then we will proceed to the park — the new one where the moose statue is – for a meeting and program. I know there is a name for this park, Riverside maybe, but I can’t recall at this time. Be sure to wear good walking shoes and bring a hat to protect yourself from the sun. In case of rain, we will be at our weekly meeting place.
The Five to Thrive contest ended with today’s meeting. You may turn in our contest papers next week but no later.
Melva Folsom, in charge of charms, awarded the following members their well earned charms: for perfect attendance, April-June, Janette Nelson, Betty Ivey, Elinor Harvey, Brenda Lacostic, Donna Parent, Gerry McAfee, Aileen Smith, Barbara Grant, Joyce Estey, Janice Shaw, Charlotte Marley and Melva Folsom.
Dale Holden received her bracelet for 5 pounds loss; best loser for May, Janice Shaw; first goal, Janice Shaw.
Kops in leeway for May-June, Charlotte Marley, Betty Ivey, Barbara Grant and Donna Parent. Best loser for June was Janice Shaw.
TOPS Care packets and halfway to goal awards were presented to several members who were absent last week: Joyce Estey, Aileen Smith, Janette Nelson and Elinor Harvey.
The program for the day was led by Joyce, taken from the newest TOPS magazine called: “Conquering the Hungry Beast.” Some of the tips to do this are: eat breakfast every day; keep a food diary; weigh and measure foods; allow a small treat occasionally; and think THIN. These tips are a few of the tips making your weight-loss journey easier.
If you need information about our chapter or other news, you may call Charlotte Marley at 757-8483 or Betty Ivey at 532-9653.
Every Friday morning this chapter meets at the Aldergate building on High Street for weigh-in at 8-8:45. Our meeting starts at 9 a.m. and usually ends an hour later.
Everybody is welcome, older and younger and teens.
Border Belles
The Border Belles recently enjoyed the hospitality of Therese Lussier and David Stevens at their rambling multi-acre landscaped home on the Ludlow Road. Since the weather was an accommodating 80 degrees that day, the Belles opted to brown bag it and picnic in the lovely fairy-themed pine grove. The fairies, elves and their homes were dwarfed by the draped table cloths, candles, and special desserts and punch that the co-hosts provided. Also special were the individual mini chocolate lava cakes, and creme caramel custard molds and ice cold punch … yummy, yummy. At the culmination of dessert, Lussier and Stevens provided the ladies with heated moist hand towels scented with almond to refresh and prepare them for a tour of their landscape and gardens. The group picked a perfect spot for a picture. After the tour, the Border Belles returned to the pine grove to rest and indulge in a second round of dessert as they didn’t want to offend their hosts by leaving leftovers. A few monthly gifts were drawn by number and a special red hat picture holder (which could definitely be used as a recipe card holder also) was presented to Lussier in appreciation of a wonderful afternoon.