Tyler Clark
Age: 25
Hometown: Easton
What other political offices have you held? If none, what other offices, honors or titles have you earned? Current State Representative District 6.
What is your career background? Three years in retail management, attended the University of Maine at Presque Isle for business management.
What made you decide to run for this office? Going to college I saw that so many of my classmates were graduating with degrees and not being able to find quality jobs in Aroostook. Having lived in Aroostook my whole life, I wanted to be able to stay and raise a family here. I felt I needed to do something to help the economy in Aroostook and help to bring high quality, good paying jobs to The County.
What do you see as the most important issue facing the community you will serve? I have talked with so many people over that last two years about what issues matter to them and one thing prevails over them all, jobs and the economy. People are hurting and what is worse is so many people are uncertain about what the future will bring. Bigger government is not the answer to our problems; we as elected officials need to work with businesses to bring and grow jobs. The State of Maine needs to cut the red tape and regulations that are crippling Maine’s businesses’ ability to compete.
What do you see as your primary goal, if elected? During the last session I paused before every vote that I cast to ask myself if this is how my district would want me to vote. I am not in Augusta representing my party, myself, or anyone else. I was sent there to represent the people of District 6. I answer to no one but the people that sent me there and that has been my governing principle from Day One. My goal will be to help bring higher paying jobs to Aroostook so that everyone can stay and work in The County that they love. Every action that I take revolves around making the quality of life in Aroostook that much better.a
Why should people vote for you? During the last two years, I have worked tirelessly on many issues that have affected Aroostook directly. Going into one of the most difficult economic times our state has seen in a generation, I had to learn the ropes quickly. In order to help pay the bills, the majority party passed a massive tax expansion that would have added over 100 new taxes to Maine’s already over-taxed people. I fought against this in the House and when it passed, on a party line vote, I helped take the fight to the street with a peoples’ veto effort. I talked with friends and neighbors about how this tax expansion would target the working Mainer. Despite the campaign being outspent 2-to-1, we still were successful in its repeal this spring.
Also, when the Aroostook railroad was in danger of shutting down for good, I stood up to my own party to save it. Spending countless hours in meetings and meeting with numerous legislators we were able to negotiate a bond package that was half of the original figure. With hundreds of Aroostook County jobs dependant on the rail, I found it to be too important of an issue to stay silent about.
If you send me back to Augusta, I will continue to advocate for the people of Aroostook County. I have the experience and know-how to fight the battle to improve Aroostook County and help the job climate in the state.
Nathan Lee Smith
Age: 59
Hometown: Blaine
What other political offices have you held? If none, what other offices, honors or titles have you earned? I have served on the Blaine Town Council for 10 years, been Town Council chairman for six years, received a Conservation Farm Award in 2004, served on the University of Maine at Presque Isle Student Senate, the UMPI University Senate, and have been a representative with the University of Maine’s Multiple University Senate.
What is your career background? My early years of education in a two-room schoolhouse prepared me for high school. After graduating and without means, I hitchhiked to the University of Maine at Presque Isle, took notes without books, and used every frugal means possible to graduate from UMPI with a degree in political science in 1973. With limited options in my degree and my love for the land, I settled into farming and hogging on the old family farm with my horse, Pat.
What made you decide to run for this office? Last spring, my dear wife passed away. During the grieving process, my friends and family encouraged me to continue on, for which I will be ever so thankful. During the Maine Potato Blossom Festival, I was chosen to be a replacement candidate. I humbly accepted the honor placed upon me and promise to do my very best.
What do you see as the most important issue facing the community you will serve? The economy, the education system, the transportation system, the farming community and the overall general welfare of Aroostook County citizens.
What do you see as your primary goal, if elected? To represent all the citizens of Aroostook County to the best of my ability.
Why should people vote for you? I seriously intend to help my fellow citizens as best I can. I will make only one promise during this election campaign. I, Nathan Lee Smith, promise I will serve in the best interest of ALL the citizens of District 6 when elected and all my days thereafter, as your representative to the Statehouse.